The web based reporting is undergoing a unscheduled maintenance cycle. Reporting will be restored as soon as possible. Please utilize local reporting in the mean time.
This server will be down for scheduled maintenance to upgrade the Operating system
on Friday 9/16 between 6 AM and 8 AM. Please plan accordingly as you will not be
able to login and anyone logged in at that time will be disconnected. The maintenance
period will affect data access via the App as well.
This server is offline for an operating system upgrade. We appreciate your patience.
We expect the system to be online by 8:00 AM this morning.
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Thank you for your patience during
this process.
Log In
Trouble Logging in?
Microsoft's recent upgrade of Internet Explorer to build
will cause problems with the login page as well as date entry issues on our
Setting compatibility mode for the website in Internet Explorer will fix the problem.
1. On the right top, click on the cog/gear and choose “Compatibility View Settings”
2. Click “add” and “close”.